For a complete list of Dr. Krubitzer’s publications, see her Curriculum Vitae
Halley AC, Stepniewska I, Wang Q, Reed JL, Qi H, Kaas JH, Krubitzer LK (2025) The evolution of primate motor control: Movement representations in motor, somatosensory, and posterior parietal cortex in the greater galago. Cerebral Cortex. Under revision.
Pineda CR, Bresee C, Baldwin MKL, Seelke A, Krubitzer L (2025) Organization of the perioral representation of the primary somatosensory cortex in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Brain, Behavior and Evolution. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39799933.
Bresee C, Litman-Kleper JL, Clayton CJ, Krubitzer L (2024) Translating the timing of developmental benchmarks in short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) to facilitate generalization of experimental finding in rodents. Brain, Behavior and Evolution (2024) 99: 69-85. PMID: 38527443
Breese C, Cooke DF, Goldring AB, Baldwin MKL, Pineda C Krubitzer L (2024) Reversible deactivation of motor cortex reveals that anterior and posterior parietal cortex are differentially dependent on motor cortex for the generation of movement in macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology. 131(1):106-123
James SS, Englund M, Bottom R, Perez R, Connor KE, Huffman KJ, Wilson SP, Krubitzer LA (2022) Comparing the development of cortex-wide gene expression patterns between two species in a common reference frame. PNAS. 119(41). PMID: 36201538.
Halley AC, Baldwin MKL, Cooke D, Englund M, Hafezi M, Hystad J, Pineda C, Schmidt T, Yartsev, M, Krubitzer L. (2022). Coevolution of motor cortex and behavioral specialization associated with flight and echolocation in bats. Current Biology 32(13): 2935-2941. PMID: 35617952.
Goldring AB, Cooke DF, Pineda C, Recanzone GH, Krubitzer LA (2022). Functional characterization of the fronto-parietal reaching and grasping network: Reversible deactivation of M1, areas 2,5 and 7b in awake behaving monkeys. J Neurophysiol. 127(5):1363-1387. PMID: 35417261.
Ramamurthy DL, Dodson HK, Krubitzer LA (2021) Developmental plasticity of texture discrimination following early vision loss in the marsupial Monodelphis domestica. J Exp Biol. 224(9): jeb236646. PMCID: PMC8181249.
Englund M, Faridjoo S, Iyer CS, Krubitzer L (2021) Kinematic analysis of sensorimotor behavior during variable ladder rung walking in short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica). STAR Protoc. 2(2):100421. PMID: 33870226
James SS, Krubitzer LA, Wilson SP (2020) Modelling the emergence of whisker barrels. eLife 2020; 9:e55588.PubMed PMID: 32988453.
Englund M, Faridjoo S, Iyer CS, Krubitzer LA. (2020) Available sensory input determines motor performance and strategy in early blind and sighted short-tailed opossums. iScience. 23(9):101527. PMID: 33083758.
Halley A, Baldwin M, Cooke D, Englund M, Krubitzer L (2020) Distributed motor control of limb movements in rat motor and somatosensory cortex: The sensorimotor amalgam
revisited. Cereb Cortex. 30(12):6296-6312. PMID: 32691053.
Bottom RT, Krubitzer LA, Huffman KJ (2020) Early postnatal gene expression in the developing neocortex of prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) is related to parental rearing style. J Comp Neurol. 528(17):3008-3022. PMID: 31930725
Wilson SP, James SS, Whiteley DJ and Krubitzer LA (2019) Limit cycle dynamics can guide the evolution of gene regulatory networks towards point attractors. Sci Rep 9 (1):16750. PMID: 31727996
Mayer A, Baldwin MKL, Cooke DF, Lima BR, Padberg J, Lewenfus G, Franca JG, Krubitzer L (2019) The multiple representations of complex digit movements in primary motor cortex form the building blocks for complex grip types in capuchin monkeys. J Neurosci. 39(34): 6684-6695. PMID: 31235643.
Dooley JC and Krubitzer LA (2019). Alterations in cortical and thalamic connections of somatosensory cortex following early loss of vision. J Comp Neurol. 527(10):1675-1688. PMID: 30444542.
Padberg J, Cooke DF, Cerkevich CM, Kaas JH and Krubitzer L (2019) Cortical connections of area 2 and posterior parietal area 5 in macaque monkeys. J Comp Neurol. 527(3):718-737. PMID: 29663384.
Lutz ND, Lemes E, Krubitzer L, Collin SP, Haverkamp S, Peichl L (2018) The rod signaling pathway in marsupial retinae. PLoS One. 13(8). PMID: 30157204.
Ramamurthy DL, Krubitzer LA (2018) Neural coding of whisker-mediated touch in primary somatosensory cortex is altered following early blindness. J Neurosci. 38(27):6172-6189. PMID: 29807911.
Baldwin MKL and Krubitzer L (2018) Architectonic characteristics of the visual thalamus and superior colliculus in titi monkeys. J Comp Neurol. 526(11): 1760-1776. PMID: 29658111.
Baldwin MKL, Cooke DF, Goldring AB, Krubitzer L (2018) Representations of Fine Digit Movements in Posterior and Anterior Parietal Cortex Revealed Using Long-Train Intracortical Microstimulation in Macaque Monkeys. Cerebral Cortex. 28(12):4244-4263. PMID: 29136133
Dooley JC, Donaldson MS, Krubitzer LA (2017) Cortical plasticity following stripe rearing in the marsupial Monodelphis domestica: Neural response properties of V1. J Neurophys. 117(2): 566-581. PMID: 5288476.
Baldwin MK, Cooke DF, Krubitzer L (2017) Intracortical Microstimulation Maps of Motor, Somatosensory, and Posterior Parietal Cortex in Tree Shrews (Tupaia belangeri) Reveal Complex Movement Representations. Cereb Cortex. 27(2): 1439-1456. PMID: 26759478.
Seelke AM, Yuan S-M, Perkeybile A, Krubitzer L, Bales K (2016) Early experiences can alter the size of cortical fields in prairie voles (Microtus orgaster). Environmental Epigenetics 2(3). PMID: 27818789.
Ramamurthy DL, Krubitzer LA (2016). The evolution of whisker-mediated somatosensation in mammals: sensory processing in barrelless S1 cortex of a marsupial, Monodelphis domestica. J Comp Neurol. 524(17): 3587-3613. PMID: 27098555.
Seelke AM, Perkeybile A, Bales K, Krubitzer L (2016) Individual differences in cortical connections of somatosensory cortex are associated with parental rearing style in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). J Comp Neurol. 524(3):564-77. PMID: 26101098
Chong SP, Merkle CW, Cooke DF, Zhang T, Radhakrishnan H, Krubitzer L, and Srinivasan VJ (2015). Noninvasive, in vivo imaging of subcortical mouse brain regions with 1.7um Optical Coherence Tomography. Opt Lett. 40(21): 4911-4914. PMID: 26512481.
Cooke DF, Stepniewska I, Miller DJ, Kaas JH, Krubitzer L (2015) Reversible deactivation of motor cortex reveals functional connectivity with posterior parietal cortex in prosimian galago (Otolemur garnetti). J. Neuroscience. 35(42):14406-22. PMID: 26490876.
Dooley JC, Franca JG, Seelke AMH, Cooke DF and Krubitzer LA (2015) Evolution of mammalian sensorimotor cortex: thalamic projections to parietal cortical areas in Monodelphis domestica. Front Neuroanat. 8:163. PMCID: PMC4286717.
Cooke DF, Goldring AB, Baldwin MKL, Recanzone GH, Chen A, Pan T, Simon SI, and Krubitzer L (2014) Reversible deactivation of higher order posterior parietal areas I: Alterations of receptive field characteristics in early stages of neocortical processing. J Neurophysiol. 112: 2529-2544. PMCID: PMC4233270.
Goldring AB, Cooke DF, Baldwin MKL, Recanzone GH, Gordon AG, Pan T, Simon SI, and Krubitzer L (2014) Reversible deactivation of higher order posterior parietal areas II: Alterations in response properties of neurons in areas 1 and 2. J Neurophsiol. 112: 2545-2560. PMCID: PMC4233279.
Seelke AMH, Dooley JC, and Krubitzer LA (2014) Photic preferences of the short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica).Neuroscience. 269:273-280. PMCID: PMC4020983
Seelke AM, Dooley JC, and Krubitzer L (2014) The cellular composition of the marsupial neocortex. J Comp Neurol. 522:2286-2298. PMCID: PMC4090354
Dooley JC, Franca JG, Seelke AM, Cooke DF, Krubitzer LA (2013) A Connection to the Past: Monodelphis domestica Provides Insight Into the Organization and Connectivity of the Brains of Early Mammals. J Comp Neurol; 521:3877-3897. PMCID: PMC3959876
Seelke AM, Dooley JC, and Krubitzer LA (2013) Differential changes in the cellular composition of the developing marsupial brain. J Comp Neurol. 521:2602-2620. PMCID: PMC3934569
Dooley JC, Nguyen HM, Seelke AM, and Krubitzer L (2012) Visual acuity in the short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica).Neuroscience. 223:124-130. PMCID: PMC3708803
Seelke AM, Dooley JC, and Krubitzer LA (2012) The emergence of somatotopic maps of the body in S1 in rats: the correspondence between functional and anatomical representation. PLoS One; 7(2): e32322. PMCID: PMC3290658
Cooke DF, Goldring AB, Yamayoshi I, Tsourkas P, Recanozone GH, Tiriac A, Pan T, Simon SI, and Krubitzer, L (2012). Fabrication of an inexpensive, implantable cooling device for reversible brain deactivation in animals ranging from rodents to primates. J Neurophysiol. 107:3543-3548. PMCID: PMC3378414
Seelke AM, Padberg JJ, Disbrow E, Purnell SM, Recanzone G, and Krubitzer L (2012) Topographic maps within Brodmann’s area 5 of macaque monkeys. Cereb Cortex 22:1834-1850. PMCID: PMC3388892
Cooke DF, Padberg J, Zahner T, and Krubitzer L (2012) The functional organization and cortical connections of motor cortex in squirrels.Cereb Cortex. 22:1959-1978. PMCID: PMC3412438
Campi KL, Collins CE, Todd WD, Kaas J, and Krubitzer L (2011) Comparison of Area 17 cellular composition in laboratory and wild-caught rats including diurnal and nocturnal species.Brain, Behav Evol. 77:116-130. PMCID: PMC3094678
Wang WZ, Oeschger FM, Montiel JF, Garcia-Moreno F, Hoerder-Suabedissen A, Krubitzer L, Ek CJ, Saunders NR, Reim K, Villalon A, and Molnar Z (2011) Comparative aspects of subplate zone studied with gene expression in sauropsids and mammals. Cereb Cortex. 21:2187-2203. PMID: 21368089
Krubitzer L, Campi KL, Cooke DF (2011) All rodents are not the same: a modern synthesis of cortical organization. Brain Behav Evol. 78(1):51-93. PMID: 21701141
Evans KD, Hewett TA, Clayton CJ, Krubitzer LA, and Griffey SM. (2010) Normal Organ Weights, Serum Chemistry, Hematology, and Cecal and Nasopharyngeal Bacterial Cultures in the Gray Short-Tailed Opossum (Monodelphis domestica). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 49:401-6. PMCID: PMC2919177
Padberg J, Recanzone G, Engle J, Cooke D, Goldring A, and Krubitzer, L (2010) Lesions in posterior parietal area 5 result in rapid behavioral and cortical plasticity. J Neurosci. 30:12918-12935. PMCID: PMC3432266
Campi KL and Krubitzer L (2010) Comparative studies of diurnal and nocturnal rodents: differences in lifestyle result in alterations in cortical field size and number. J Comp Neurol. 518:4491-4512. PMCID: PMC3432265
Zumer JM, Nagarajan SS, Krubitzer LA, Zhu Z, Turner RS, and Disbrow EA (2010) MEG in the macaque monkey and human: distinguishing cortical fields in space and time. Brain Res. 1345:110-124. PMCID: PMC2899153
Cheung AF, Kondo S, Abdel-Mannan O, Chodroff RA, Sirey TM, Bluy LE, Webber N, Karlen SJ, Krubitzer L, Stolp HB, Saunders NR, and Molnar Z (2010) The subventricular zone is the developmental milestone of a 6-layered neocortex: Comparisons in methatherian and eutherian mammals. Cereb Cortex 20:1071-1081. PMID: 19726493
Campi KL, Bales KL, Grunewald R, and Krubitzer, L (2010) Connections of Auditory Cortex in the Prairie Vole (Microtus ochrogaster): Evidence for multisensory processing in primary sensory areas. Cereb Cortex 20:89-108. PMCID: PMC2792189
Larsen DD, Luu JD, Burns ME, and Krubitzer L (2009) What are the effects of severe visual impairment on the cortical organization and connectivity of primary visual cortex? Front Neuroanat. 3:30. PMCID: PMC2802552
Hinkley LB, Krubitzer LA, Padberg J, and Disbrow EA (2009) Visual-manual exploration and posterior parietal cortex in humans. J Neurophysiol 102:3433-3446. PMCID: PMC2804435
Padberg J, Cerkevich C, Engle J, Rajan AT, Recanzone G, Kaas J, and Krubitzer L (2009) Thalamocortical connections of parietal somatosensory cortical fields in macaque monkeys are highly divergent and convergent. Cereb Cortex 19:2038-2064. PMCID: PMC2722424
Zhu Z, Zumer JM, Lowenthal ME, Padberg J, Recanzone GH, Krubitzer LA, Nagarajan SS, and Disbrow EA (2009) The relationship between magnetic and electrophysiological responses to complex tactile stimuli. BMC Neurosci. 10:4. PMCID: PMC2652466
Karlen SJ and Krubitzer L (2009) Effects of bilateral enucleation on the size of visual and non-visual areas of the brain. Cereb Cortex19:1360-1371. PMCID: PMC2677651
Padberg J, Franc JG, Cooke DF, Soares JG, Rosa MG, Fiorani M Jr, Gattass R, Krubitzer L (2007) Parallel evolution of cortical areas involved in skilled hand use. J Neurosci. 27:10106-10115. PMID: 17881517
Campi KL, Karlen SJ, Bales KL, and Krubitzer L (2007) Organization of sensory neocortex in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). J Comp Neurol. 502:414-426. PMID: 17366609
Hinkley L, Krubitzer L, Nagarajan SS, and Disbrow EA (2007) Sensorimotor Integration in S2, PV, and parietal rostroventral areas of the human Sylvian fissure. J Neurophysiol. 97:1288-1297. PMCID: PMC4060608
Karlen SJ and Krubitzer L (2006) Phenotypic diversity is the cornerstone of evolution: Variability in cortical field size within a species. J Comp Neurol. 499:990-999. PMID: 17072834
Karlen SJ, Kahn DM, and Krubitzer L (2006) Early blindness results in abnormal corticocortical and thalamocortical connections.Neuroscience. 142:843-858. PMID: 16934941
Padberg J and Krubitzer L (2006) Thalamocortical connections of anterior and posterior parietal cortical areas in New World titi monkeys. J Comp Neurol. 497:416-435. PMID: 16736469
Hunt DL, Yamoah EN, and Krubitzer L (2006) Multisensory plasticity in congenitally deaf mice: How are cortical areas functionally specified? Neuroscience. 139:1507-1524. PMID: 16529873
Hunt DL, King B, Kahn DM, Yamoah EN, Shull GE, and Krubitzer L (2005) Aberrant retinal projections in congenitally deaf mice: How are phenotypic characteristics specified in development and evolution. Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol. 287:1051-1066. PMID: 16200647
Padberg, J, Disbrow, E, and Krubitzer, L (2005) The organization and connections of anterior and posterior parietal cortex in Titi monkeys: Do New World Monkeys have an area 2? Cereb Cortex. 15:1938-1963. PMID: 15758196
Krubitzer L, Huffman KJ, Disbrow E, and Recanzone G (2004) The organization of area 3a in macaque monkeys: Contributions to the cortical phenotype. J Comp Neurol. 471:97-111. PMID: 14983479
Disbrow E, Litinas E, Recanzone GH, Padberg J, and Krubitzer L (2003) Cortical connections of the parietal ventral area and the second somatosensory area in macaque monkeys. J Comp Neurol. 462:382-399. PMID: 12811808
Kahn DM and Krubitzer L (2002) Massive cross-modal cortical plasticity and the emergence of a new cortical field in developmentally blind mammals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99:11429-11434. PMCID: PMC123273
Disbrow E, Litinas E, Recanzone GH, Slutsky D, and Krubitzer LA (2002) Thalamocortical connections of the parietal ventral area (PV) and the second somatosensory area (S2) in macaque monkeys. Thalamus Relat Syst. 1:289-302
Kahn DM and Krubitzer L (2002) Retinofugal projections in the short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica). J Comp Neurol. 447:114-127. PMID: 11977115
Huffman KJ and Krubitzer L (2001) Area 3a: Topographic organization and connections in marmoset monkeys. Cereb Cortex. 11:849-867. PMID: 11532890
Huffman KJ and Krubitzer L (2001) Thalamo-cortical connections of areas 3a and M1 in marmoset monkeys. J Comp Neurol. 435:291-310. PMID: 11406813
Disbrow E, Roberts T, Poeppel D, and Krubitzer L (2001) Evidence for interhemispheric processing of inputs from the hands in the human second somatosensory and parietal ventral areas. J Neurophsiol. 85:2236-2244. PMID: 11353038
Kahn DM, Huffman KJ, and Krubitzer L (2000) Organization and connections of V1 in Monodelphis domestica. J Comp Neurol. 428:337-354. PMID: 11064371
Disbrow EA, Slutsky DA, Roberts TP, and Krubitzer LA (2000) Functional MRI at 1.5 tesla: A comparison of the blood oxygenation level dependent signal and electrophysiology. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97:9718-9723. PMCID: PMC16931
Slutsky DA, Manger PR, and Krubitzer L (2000) Multiple somatosensory areas in the anterior parietal cortex of the California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyii). J Comp Neurol. 416:521-539. PMID: 10660882
Disbrow E, Krubitzer L, and Roberts T (2000) Somatotopic organization of the lateral sulcus areas in Homo Sapiens: Evidence for SII and PV. J Comp Neurol. 418:1-21. PMID: 10701752
Huffman KJ, Molnár Z, Van Dellen A, Kahn D, Blakemore C, and Krubitzer L (1999) Formation of cortical fields on a reduced cortical sheet. J Neurosci. 19:9939-9952. PMID: 10559402
Disbrow E, Roberts T, Slutsky D, and Krubitzer L (1999) The use of fMRI for determining the topographic organization of cortical fields in human and nonhuman primates. Brain Res. 829:167-173. PMID: 10350543
Rosa MGP, Krubitzer LA, Molnar Z, and Nelson JE (1999) Organization of visual cortex in the northern quoll, Dasyurus hallucautus: Evidence for a homologue of the second visual area in marsupials. Eur J Neurosci. 11:907-915. PMID: 10103084
Huffman KJ, Nelson J, Clarey J, and Krubitzer L (1999) Organization of somatosensory cortex in three species of marsupials, Dasyurus hallucatus, Dactylopsila trivirgata, and Monodelphis domestica: neural correlates of morphological specializations. J Comp Neurol. 403:5-32. PMID: 10075440
Rosa MG, Krubitzer LA. The evolution of visual cortex: where is V2? Trends Neurosci. 1999 Jun;22(6):242-8. PubMed PMID: 10354599.
Manger P, Sum M, Szymanski M, Ridgway SH, and Krubitzer L (1998) Modular subdivisions of dolphin anterior insular cortex: Does evolutionary history repeat itself? J Cogn Neurosci. 10:153-166. PMID: 9555104
Krubitzer L, Clarey JC, Tweedale R, and Calford MB (1998) Interhemispheric connections of somatosensory cortex in the flying fox. J Comp Neurol. 402:538-559. PMID: 9862325
Krubitzer LA, Kunzle H, and Kaas JH (1997) The organization of sensory cortex in a Madagascan insectivore, the tenrec (Echinops telfairi). J Comp Neurol. 379:399-414. PMID: 9067832
Krubitzer L, Manger P, Pettigrew JD, and Calford MB. (1995) The organization of neocortex in monotremes: In search of the prototypical plan. J Comp Neurol. 351:261-306. PMID: 7699113
Krubitzer L, Clarey J, Tweedale R, Elston G, and Calford M (1995) A redefinition of somatosensory areas in the lateral sulcus of macaque monkeys. J Neurosci. 15:3821-3839. PMID: 7751949
Krubitzer LA, Calford MB, and Schmid LM (1993) Connections of somatosensory cortex in megachiropteran bats: The evolution of cortical fields in mammals. J Comp Neurol. 327:473-506. PMID: 8440777
Krubitzer LA and Kaas JH (1993) The dorsomedial visual area (DM) of owl monkeys: Connections, myeloarchitecture, and homologies with other primates. J Comp Neurol. 334:497-528. PMID: 8408763
Rosa MGP, Schmid LM, Krubitzer LA, and Pettigrew JD (1993) Retinotopic organization of the primary visual cortex of flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus and Pteropus scapulatus). J Comp Neurol. 335:55-72. PMID: 8408773
Krubitzer LA and Calford MB (1992) Five topographically organized fields in the somatosensory cortex of the flying fox: microelectrode maps, myeloarchitecture, and cortical modules. J Comp Neurol. 317:1-30. PMID: 1573055
Krubitzer LA and Kaas JH (1992) The somatosensory thalamus of monkeys: Cortical connections and a redefinition of nuclei in marmosets. J Comp Neurol. 319:123-140. PMID: 1375605
Kaas JH and Krubitzer LA (1992) Area 17 lesions deactivate area MT in owl monkeys. Vis Neurosci. 9:399-407. PMID: 1390397
Kaas JH, Krubitzer LA, Chino YM, Langston AL, Polley EH, and Blair N (1990) Reorganization of retinotopic cortical maps in adult mammals after lesions of the retina. Science. 248:229-231. PMID: 2326637
Krubitzer LA and Kaas JH (1990) The organization and connections of somatosensory cortex in marmosets. J Neurosci. 10:952-974. PMID: 2108231
Krubitzer LA and Kaas JH (1990) Cortical connections of MT in four species of primates: areal, modular, and retinotopic patterns. Vis Neurosci. 5:165-204. PMID: 2278944
Krubitzer L and Kaas J (1990) Convergence of processing channels in the extrastriate cortex of monkeys. Vis Neurosci. 5:609-613. PMID: 1707652
Krubitzer LA and Kaas JH (1989) Cortical integration of parallel pathways in the visual system of primates. Brain Res. 478:161-165. PMID: 2466529
Kaas JH, Krubitzer LA, and Johanson KL (1989) Cortical connections of areas 17 (V-I) and 18 (V-II) of squirrels. J Comp Neurol. 281:426-446. PMID: 2703555
Luethke LE, Krubitzer LA, and Kaas JH (1989) Connections of primary auditory cortex in the New World monkey, Saguinus. J Comp Neurol. 285:487-513. PMID: 2474584
Luethke LE, Krubitzer LA, and Kaas JH (1988) Cortical connections of electrophysiologically and architectonically defined subdivisions of auditory cortex in squirrels. J Comp Neurol. 268:181-203. PMID: 3360984
Krubitzer LA and Kaas JH (1988) Responsiveness and somatotopic organization of anterior parietal field 3b and adjacent cortex in newborn and infant monkeys. Somatosens Mot Res. 6:179-205. PMID: 3242345
Huerta MF, Krubitzer LA, and Kaas JH (1987) Frontal eye fields as defined by intracortical microstimulation in squirrel monkeys, owl monkeys, and macaque monkeys II: Cortical connections. J Comp Neurol. 265:332-361. PMID: 2447132
Krubitzer LA and Kaas JH (1987) Thalamic connections of three representations of the body surface in somatosensory cortex of grey squirrels. J Comp Neurol. 265:549-580. PMID: 2448348
Krubitzer LA, Sesma MA, and Kaas JH (1986) Microelectrode maps, myeloarchitecture, and cortical connections of three somatotopically organized representations of the body surface in the parietal cortex of squirrels. J Comp Neurol. 250:403-430. PMID: 3760247
Huerta MF, Krubitzer LA, and Kaas JH (1986) Frontal eye field as defined by intracortical microstimulation in squirrel monkeys, owl monkeys, and macaque monkeys: I. subcortical connections. J Comp Neurol. 253:415-439. PMID: 3793998