For a complete list of Dr. Krubitzer’s publications, see her Curriculum Vitae.
Kaas JH, Krubitzer LA, Qi H-X and Reed J (2023) in: The SAGE Handbook of Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience (2 Vols.) (Gregory J Boyle, ed). Sage publishing, London. Chapter 23: Somatosensory Processing. pp.365-378.
Prescott T and Krubitzer L (2018) Evo-Devo of the mammalian nervous system. In: Living Machines: A handbook of research in biomimetic and biohybrid systems (Tony Prescott, Nathan Lepora and Paul Verschure, eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford. Chapter 8, pp. 82-98.
Goldring A and Krubitzer L (2017) Evolution of parietal cortex in mammals: From manipulation to tool use. In: The Evolution of Nervous Systems; Second Edition, (Krubitzer, L. and Kaas, J., eds.) Elsevier, London. Volume 3, Primates, Chapter 14, pp. 259-286.
Krubitzer L and Baldwin M (2017) Revisiting Kaas and Colleagues – the homunculus: The discovery of multiple representations within the “primary” somatosensory cortex. In: Revisiting the Classic Studies. (Bryan Kolb and Ian Whishaw, eds.). Sage Publishing, Los Angeles, CA. Chapter 4, pp. 33-54.
Krubitzer (2014) Introduction to Plasticity and Learning. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences; Fifth edition (Michael S Gazzaniga and George R Mangun, eds). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp.77-78.
Krubitzer L (2014) Lessons from Evolution. In: The Future of the Brain; Essays by the World’s Leading Neuroscientists. (Marcus, G and Freeman, J eds). Princeton University Press. Chapter 16 pp 186 – 193.
Cooke DF, Goldring A, Recanzone GH, and Krubitzer L (2014) The evolution of parietal areas associated with visuomanual behavior: From grasping to tool use. In: The New Visual Neurosciences (Chalupa, L and Werner J eds). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp 1049 – 1063.
Krubitzer LA and Seelke AMH (2013) Cortical evolution in mammals: The bane and beauty of phenotypic variability. In: In the Light of Evolution. (Striedter, GF, Avise JC, and Ayala FJ eds.) National Academies Press. Chapter 6, pp. 91 – 111.
Krubitzer L and Disbrow E (2010) The evolution of parietal areas involved in hand use in primates. In: Spatial Cognition, Spatial Perception. (Dolins, EL and Mitchell, RW eds). Cambridge University Press. Chapter 16. pp. 365 – 421.
Karlen SJ, Hunt D, and Krubitzer (2009) Cross-modal plasticity in mammalian neocortex. In: Oxford Handbook of Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience: Epigenetics, Evolution, & Behavior. Ed. Mark S. Blumberg, John H. Freeman, and Scott R. Robinson. Oxford University Press, Inc, Chapter 18. pp. 357 – 374.
Krubitzer, L. and Hunt, D. (2009). Captured in the net of space and time: Understanding cortical field evolution. In: Evolutionary Neuroscience (Kaas, J.H. ed). Chapter 23 Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 545-568.
Krubitzer L and Padberg J (2009) Evolution of association pallial areas: parietal association areas in mammals. In: Encyclopedic Reference of Neuroscience (Ann Butler, ed.) Springer. Volume 5, pp 1225 – 1231
Karlen SJ and Krubitzer L (2009) Marsupial Neocortex. In: Squire LR (ed), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Oxford: Academic Press. Volume 5, pp. 671 – 679.
Krubitzer L and Campi K (2009) Neocortical Organization in Monotremes. In: Squire LR (ed.), Encylopedia of Neuroscience. Oxford: Academic Press. Volume 6, pp. 51– 59.
Krubitzer L and Disbrow E (2008) The evolution of parietal areas involved in hand use in primates. In: The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference (Jon Kaas and Ester Gardner eds.) Elsevier, London. Volume 6, Somatosensation, Chapter 10, pp. 183 – 214.
Krubitzer L and Hunt D (2007) Captured in the net of space and time: Understanding cortical field evolution. In: The Evolution of Nervous systems (Kaas, J.H. and Krubitzer L., eds). Academic Press, Oxford, Volume 3, Mammals, Chapter 4, pp. 49 – 72.
Disbrow E, Hinkley L, Padberg J, and Krubitzer L (2007) Hand use and the evolution of posterior parietal cortex in primates. In: The Evolution of Nervous systems in mammals (Kaas, J.H. and Preuss, T. eds). Academic Press, Oxford. Volume 4, Primates, Chapter 24, pp. 407 – 416.
Karlen, SJ and Krubitzer, L (2006) The evolution of the neocortex in mammals: intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to the cortical phenotype. In: Percept, Decision, Action: Bridging the Gaps (D. J. Chadwick, M. diamond and J. Goode eds). Novartis Foundation Symposium, 270:146-169; discussion 159 –163.
Krubitzer, L. and Kahn, D (2004). The evolution of human neocortex: Is the human brain fundamentally different than that of other mammals? In: Attention and Performance XX, Functional Brain Imaging of Visual Cognition. (N. Kanwisher, J. Duncan, C. Umilta eds.).
Krubitzer, L.A. (2002). Evolutionary Perspectives in: Cognitive Neuroscience (M. Gazzaniga, R. Ivry, and R. Mangun eds.) W. W. Norton and Company. pp. 577-596.
Krubitzer, L.A. (2000). How does evolution build a complex brain? In: Evolutionary Developmental Biology of the Cerebral Cortex (G.R. Bock, G. Cardew, ed.) John Wiley and Sons, LTD. Chichester. pp. 206-220.
Krubitzer, L.A. (1998). Constructing the neocortex: Influences on the pattern of organization in mammals. In: Brain and Mind: Evolutionary Perspectives. (M. S. Gazzaniga and J. Altman, eds.) Human Frontier Science Program. Strasbourg, pp. 19-34.
Krubitzer, L.A. (1996). The Organization of Lateral Somatosensory Areas In Primates and Other Mammals. In: Somesthesis and the Neurobiology of the Somatosensory Cortex, International Symposium Series, (O. Franzen, R. Johanson, and L. Terenius, eds.) Boston, Birkhaeuser. pp.173-185.
Krubitzer, L., R. Belew, C. Boake, E. Boncinelli, E. Brenowitz, S. de Belle, J. Edwards, W.P.M. Geraerts. B. Kyriacou, G. Miklos, F. von Schilcher (1994). How Do Evolution and Behavior Interact? In: Dahlem Workshop on Flexibility and Constraint in Behavioral Systems. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, pp. 295-305.
Kaas, J.H. and L.A. Krubitzer (1991). The organization of extrastriate visual cortex. (B. Dreher and S.R. Robinson, eds.), In: Vision and Visual Dysfunction, Volume 3, Neuroanatomy of the Visual Pathways and Their Development. Macmillan Press, London, pp 302-323.